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The Underground Electric Mining Scraper Winch is mainly used to metal, chemical, contribution and the mine etc, and the underground working, such as the transportation etc. Meanwhile, the scrape winch
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deceleration device, main roll, Vice reel, control devices, wire guiding device and motor. These parts were installed inside and outside the shell, the shell is a good steel parts, both to protect the supporting role, but also to bear all the load. It is connected on the basis of two slide bolt.
Binoculars winch a master reel (mounted on the right, ie, close to the motor side), a secondary reel (mounted on the left).
A master reel (mounted in the middle) in the three-drum winch, two vice reel (mounted on the left and right), three drum winch can be mounted two main reel (mounted on the right and middle), a vice volume cylinder (mounted on the left), each roll corresponding control device and a wire rope guide. PHOTOS OFYour Name
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